13 November 2012

Solar System Order

Mercury has a tenuous atmosphere, so, despite being the planet closest to the Sun, it is unable to retain the heat it is exposed to. The temperature ranges by a few hundred degrees Celsius each Mercurian day.

Venus has a thick atmosphere and an average surface temperature of 460 degrees Celsius. If you were standing on Venus, you would choke on the high amounts of carbon dioxide as your skin dissolved in the sulfuric acid rain.

Earth Our home planet .

Mars is perhaps the most studied planet besides Earth. It has a nearly nonexistent atmosphere, so it is a cold world. Temperatures are about -140 Celsius in the winter. At the height of summer you could not comfortably wear shorts.

Jupiter is 2.5 times as massive as all of the other planets in the Solar System combined. Jupiter has 63 recognized moons, but more are thought to be in orbit. That accounts for about 1/3 of the moons in our Solar System.

Saturn is a contradiction. It is the second largest planet, yet it has a very low density. It would float if you had enough water to put it in. There are 60 acknowledged moons orbiting Saturn.

Uranus is tilted like crazy. All planets are slightly tilted on their axis, but Uranus is tilting at 98 degrees. 

Neptune, is last, but not least. It orbits an average of 4.5 billion km from the Sun. It was discovered in 1846, making it the most recent recognized planet to be discovered.